Turi Sioson is a queer, Filipina-Italian American poet, editor, and publicist based in Austin, TX.
She’s editor and publicity director at Sunstroke Press and a reader for ONLY POEMS and Abode Press. Her poetry and prose have appeared or is forthcoming in The Hopkins Review, Epiphany, The Texas Review, Sunstroke Magazine, Freshwater Review, and The Luna Collective, among others. She’s worked as a publicity intern at W. W. Norton and will continue her education in publicity at Farrar, Straus and Giroux this fall.
She holds a BA in English and Honors Creative Writing Certificate in Poetry from The University of Texas at Austin, and a copyediting certificate from Emerson College. You can find her sitting in the sun after a long swim or browsing the poetry section at her favorite bookstores.
Contact: siosonturi (at) gmail (dot) com
turi (at) sunstrokepress (dot) com
Connect: @turi_s99
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